Friday, July 29, 2011

Starting off this morning listening to a little Fang Island. Gonna try to get a 1000 words on Nod. It's so very odd, this world. The scene I'm working on takes place in a cemetery atop a hill in Nod. Looks kinda like this:

Fred, Carson's best friend and brother-on-law is circling above the cemetery in an ultralight. Fred's rather a simpleton but makes good homemade beer and is a back to basics type. A good bloke. Picture John C. Reilly and you've got a good idea what Fred looks like.


Good Friday to ya.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Nod, Virginia

Carson read Riley Shine, DOB: August 20, 1972; DOD:? Carson replaced his glasses and his name reappeared on the headstone: Carson Nod, DOB: August 20, 1972; DOD: August 20, 2012. Sweat pouring down his face and running in rivulets down his bony back, Carson contemplated having only two weeks to live and of dying on his birthday. Well, this certainly sucks, he thought.
An awesome prayer from one of my heroes, Thomas Merton:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From St. Thérèse de Lisieux:

Let me suppose that I had been born in a land of thick fogs, and had never seen the beauties of nature, or a single ray of sunshine, although I had heard of these wonders from my early youth, and knew that the country wherein I dwelt was not my real home—there was another land, unto which I should always look forward. ... From the time of my childhood I felt that one day I should be set free from this land of darkness. I believed it, not only because I had been told so by others, but my heart’s most secret and deepest longings assured me that there was in store for me another and more beautiful country—an abiding dwelling place. I was like Christopher Columbus, whose genius anticipated the discovery of the New World. And suddenly the mists about me have penetrated my very soul and have enveloped me so completely that I cannot even picture to myself this promised country … all has faded away.